Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sweet and Sour Pork

I'm so excited. Today I get to go back to work and pack a lunch, AND I don't even necessarily have to use much of the things I bought at Ho's BECAUSE I have like a quart of The Best Sweet And Sour Pork In The Universe in my fridge. I made it last night and it was ASTOUNDINGLY good.

You start off by chopping your pork roast into bite-sized bites. Then you marinate it for at least an hour in a bit of soy sauce, sugar, salt, green onion, and an egg white. When you're ready to go, coat it in cornstarch and deep-fry it in batches at 365 degrees for 10 minutes. (These are delicious BY THEMSELVES. No sauce or veggies required.)

Then, saute up a chunked green pepper, 3 sliced stalks of celery, and a wedged onion in a bit of oil. In the meantime, mix ketchup, cider vinegar, sugar, salt, a dash of soy sauce, and water together and bring to a boil; add an 8 oz can of pineapple chunks w/ juice and bring back up to a boil. Then add 2 tbsp cornstarch mixed into 1/4 cup water, and bring to a boil again so it thickens up all nice. Then toss it briefly with your crunchy crispy pork bits and your crunch-tender veg and eat. OH MY GOD so good.

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