Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ho's Day 2

Made another expedition to Ho's today, this time with a larger wallet and more time to kill (and the promise of going home immediately after, so no concern about frozen items thawing in the car).

We got pork-and-cabbage gyoza, mini steamed pork buns (which... we'll see. They felt softer than I thought they should have, and some of them appeared to have leaked a bit. Also the cooking directions are for bamboo steamer or rice cooker, neither of which I have, so I'll have to see if a microwave steamer would work as well), frozen edamame, green tea ice cream (for Alex, he was so happy), as well as shiro miso, wakame, Koala chocolate, a big can of wasabi peas (again for Alex), two porcelain (I think) soup spoons, hoisin sauce, and dark soy sauce.

It's always a little weird checking out at Ho's. Because virtually everyone there besides us was Asian of some sort, including all the employees, and I always kind of wonder to myself as the cashier is scanning our stuff if we got the generic crappy brand of stuff and she's all like eye-rolling. I can't tell, everything looks like roughly the same degree of quality to me and I have no idea which brands are like, gourmet brand. Oh well.

I did look for the little Japanese puddings I've seen in many people's bentos (visible in the lower right in the picture here) but didn't see them anywhere. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. I checked the dessert/candy aisles as thoroughly as I could. My stomach was acting up though so I was sort of distracted.

Also did not see anything resembling a bento box (though again, distracted). Which means I'll probably have to order one online, which I kinda figured. That's okay, I'm gonna have to order those little sauce dispenser containers from online too. In the meantime I have a bazillion rubbermaid small "leftover" containers lurking around that I can use, and I can always go to Target and see if they have anything with dividers built in. (I do have one square flat container with a divider as it is, but they just put in a smaller corner divider so there's a little triangular section in it which is not useful for much except maybe baby carrots or a dip. I've put applesauce in it before.)

1 comment:

zara said...

You can steam without a steamer or rice cooker with a colander and a pot with a lid. Instructions here.

Also, I hear you on the feeling a bit out of place as the lone non-asian in the asian stores but, you get over it pretty quickly. In the store I frequent the most, I've made friends with a few of the cashiers and now they always ask me what I'm making when they see me. It makes me happy. :)

Good luck!