Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007: Mid-Day

Carrots: chopped. Veggies: roasted. (Will need to be reheated and then tossed with red onion and apple cider vinegar later.) Goose: in oven. (Goddamn do we need a roasting pan with a rack in it. Cause we don't have one, so all our roast birds have to stew in their own juices (that or we use the broiler pan but that's not really an option I like) and we have a rack that is too long for any of our roasting pans so we thought maybe we'd just stick it on top of the pan but that made the whole thing like way too tall and I DO need to cook other things at the same time as the goose so BLAH!!!)

Still to do: make apples, cook carrots, bake corn gratin, reheat veg. That's really it. And the corn gratin is completely made, it just has to be tossed in the oven. Man. Easy as pie.

Alex's mom is ALSO apparently bringing a dessert of some kind. Which sucks because she tends to make her chocolate things rather bitter, or like bitter with a layer of sugar flavor on top, which I don't like. She (and perhaps the whole Russian culture, I don't know) tend to like lesserly sweet desserts, and I don't, and I tend to not like her desserts. Blug.

While I appreciate that she wants to help, I would really REALLY prefer for her to just leave me alone and let me cook everything. She is pushy as shit sometimes.

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